“I Will Hold You Up”

Ensemble approaches to uplift theatre making

Join Us For UpLift's Signature Workshop, Curated for Your Venue, Group or Team!

In UpLift Physical Theatre's workshops, we guide participants through a series of explorations in creating meaningful movement-based theatre. We introduce the art of Physical Theatre, how to develop the physical sensitivity required to create embodied narratives with a partner, and what it takes to create highly-physical ensemble theatre. We draw on the diverse backgrounds we share in UpLift: theatre, writing, partner acrobatics, dance, grappling, and gestural movement. We offer workshops for corporations and businesses, adults, youth, professional performers, beginners, movers, and more.

Our workshops run from 2 hours to 5 days. See our workshop customization options below. Then please email upliftphysicaltheatre@gmail.com for more info and booking.

  • An introductory workshop to physical storytelling for all experience levels. This is the foundation for all of our workshop offerings. This can be a stand-alone 1-3-hour workshop or the beginning of a longer offering. Physical Theatre is at the root of the world's current slapstick and physical comedy, transformational characters, and spectacle like Cirque du Soleil. Through theatre games and beginner improvisational exercises, participants will leave with a taste of physical storytelling through UpLift's unique lens.

  • As we deepen our exploration, we continue by investigating the creative body: How do you train your body to express the stories you want to tell? How do you develop the physical sensitivity required to create meaningful work with a partner? Through basic acrobatic partnership and movement, we foster a community of trust, balance, strength, flexibility, and play. The foundations of partner acrobatics and weight-sharing encourage teamwork, communication, and listening. This workshop timing is from 3-5 hours.

  • The final development of the UpLift signature offering is by creating highly-physical stories in ensemble. Through guided exercises and a long-form improvisation, participants will become their own unique physical theatre ensemble. This workshop timing is from 3-5 hours.

Select 1, 2 or 3 of the above blocks to include in your workshop experience. They layer nicely for a 15 hour 3-5 day intensive.